Preserve and secure your original concept before it becomes an Invention
An original idea is immaterial; it does not belong to anyone. As per the International Conventions on Author’s Rights © (Copyright) and internal laws of the W.I.P.O. (World Intellectual Property Organization) member States, to bring your original idea into existence, you must describe it on a physical medium. For the resulting description to become your world property, it must be intrinsic to an original literary and/or artistic work.
Regardless of your professional discipline and specialty, joining USD CLUB International not only provides you with online dashboard tools, but also an environment designed to safeguard your creations and develop their resulting business projects internationally.
Create your virtual office to securely embed your invention or innovation descriptions (encrypted, dated and timed to the hour and minute). By following the Club’s protocol, you will globally establish the proof of anteriority on your creations.
Anteriority is enforced by Law: based on the International Intellectual Property Conventions and the internal laws of UN and WIPO Member States, rules and laws were created to recognize the preponderant anteriority principle and its legal application. When the description of an original concept is intrinsic to a literary and/or artistic creative work, a creator’s property can be legally established around the world.
Whether you are an independent inventor or an SME, the initiator of innovative services, a high technology engineer or a researcher, etc., by joining USD CLUB International, you will take advantage of the following to reach your objectives:
our cloud-based digital file encryption to document the anteriority of your inventions;
our secure communications portal between members;
our secure filing of your creations away from prying eyes;
a World Certificate of Anteriority (producible in Court);
a World Ownership on your creations; and
access to services, documents and products required to finance, develop and market your projects.
Guided by our specialized Members, embed your creation in a literary and/or artistic work by fashioning your volume of the state-of-the-art Intellectual Passport CB Omnibus.
The unpublished Intellectual Passport CB Omnibus Volume (aka IPCB) procures you with:
the preservation of your secrets for as long as necessary;
an indubitable proof that you are the author of your creation;
the unquestionable proof that you are the owner of your creation throughout the world;
a business forecast (ICBF) for the international development of your innovation;
an original portfolio of international contracts for your international alliances;
an affordable and secure defense of your rights;
A Guarantee on the Legal validity of the aforementioned essential elements;
the potential access to experts responsible for the validation of your concept;
the venue to potentially find investors, entrepreneurs and marketing specialists interested in globally developing and promoting your project.
Use our non-disclosure original strategy to preserve the confidentiality of your project until contractual agreements are reached that will guarantee the respect of your rights by the selected investor… If he wishes to file for a patent for whatever reason, he can only proceed with your written and signed consent and solely at his expense. Beware that it takes considerable financial resources to extend a patent internationally and defend it before the court of any country.
You now wish to file a patent application. As part of its services, the Club will refer you to Patent Agents or Intellectual Property Attorneys, who have officially adhered to its security regulations.
To help you make an informed decision, consider the following advice based on your selected social category, as shown below:
Category X: You belong to an engineering and/or a scientific research department within an industrial enterprise of international scope with at least 500 employees, even several thousands or more;
Category Y: You belong to an engineering and/or a scientific research department within an SME comprising 50 to 500 employees;
Category Z: 1) You belong to an engineering and/or a scientific research department within a University; 2) you belong to an engineering and/or a scientific research service or to an SME with less than 50 employees; 3) you are an independent inventor.
Advice from the Club:
Category X: Your enterprise has the means necessary to: 1) file for a high technological patent; 2) assume the costs incurred by a patent’s international or global extension; 3) assume the costs incurred by the patent’s global judiciary protection. Advice: whatever the means of an enterprise, there are always wealthier and/or more influential competitors in the world, thus justifying the complementary recourse to Copyright, resulting from an unpublished work, to transform patent’s anteriority claims into true globally recognized properties that enable criminal legal proceedings.
Category Y: In spite of its financial means for an international patent filing (not global), your enterprise is nonetheless prey to the ruthless competition by international predators1. This risk alone justifies the complementary recourse to Copyright, resulting from an unpublished work, to transform patent’s anteriority claims into true globally recognized properties that enable criminal legal proceedings.
Category Z- 1), 2) and 3): You are systematically preyed upon by vultures unless you are protected by an honest financier who can globally tackle the largest predators1 on the planet. Advice: The Club recommends that you first recur to Copyright resulting from an unpublished work prior to patent filing. Why? To support your patent’s anteriority claims with a dissuasive power against predators1. Upon discovering that your anteriority claims have become true world properties, making it possible to face criminal charges in the State of his residence, the predator may find it preferable to seek an amicable out-of-court settlement to your satisfaction.
1 Not all manufacturers are necessarily predators.
* Please refer to Legal Corner