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Starry Sky


The association is aimed at gathering and regrouping any physical person or legal entity interested in the development and application of international Intellectual Property. To create a reciprocated bond of solidarity and support between each participating party. Use the means at the disposal of the association to organize different types of gatherings and services related to this purpose for its members.



Michel Dubois

Honorary President, Initiator & Co-Founder


Michel Dubois - Initiator, Co-Founder and Honorary President

A graduate of the Estienne School of Book Art and Industries graduate in Paris (Cert. chromatography – 1962), Michel Dubois has also pursued artistic activities, particularly in musical composition, poetry, variety shows and theater.

It is during the 1970s that a fertile creativity was borne for business concepts, followed by a real talent for strategies; two talents that produced Michel Dubois’ subsequent success. Indeed, his line of artworks was published from 1981 to 1991 under the trademark Cartisabelle, and, to preserve his technical secrets, he did not file a patent. He also created the Art Service Club international publishing consortium to commercialize his products. Its success was such that by 1987, the consortium regrouped 250 licensees and one thousand sales representatives. Derived from his extensive field experience (Europe, Black Africa and Quebec), he was convinced of the need to liberalize access to intellectual property for which he published seven volumes and around one hundred booklets. 


Emigrated to North America in 1995, Michel Dubois has since been the author of the Intellectual Passport CB & IND Omnibus Volume. Founder of the USD System International Editions Consortium, responsible for its dissemination, he is the initiator of the World Inventors Club, USD Club International, presided by Ghislaine Alajouanine. The commitment of its international team to an economy honed on serving Mankind was empowered by the Court of Appeal of Lyon (France) on May 27, 2004 and the Court of Cassation (Supreme Court of France) on July 4, 2006, which recognized the anteriority of a property on the invention’s description embedded in an unpublished literary and artistic work against a monopolistic title subsequently issued by the I.N.P.I. (France’s National Industrial Property Institute). 

Ghislaine Alajouanine *MC Institut of France - President of the Club

President of the High Council of Telehealth/E-health (telehealth-telemedicine, autonomy, well-being), and FISSA 'Telemedicine without border' Ghislaine Alajouanine is Futurist (Economist and sociologist of Innovation), E-Health, E-learning Expert, elected Member of the Institute of France, Correspondent of the Académie des Sciences Morales and Political as an Economist.

Member of the Institute for Training and Research UNITAR.

Past-President of the Foundation for medical research, she is also a Member of the Steering Committee of the Institute of technology and General delegate of the pioneers of the Academies.

Author of New Technologies at the service of health in Africa published in the Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), Winner of the Eurafrique Prize, and the Award of the Institut de France. for his discoveries and work In the field of "Homecare" and the third dimension of sustainable development she chairs the approach HS2 High Safety Health association. Administrator SDL of the newspaper Le Monde. Commander and Member for the France of the Council of the National Order of Merit.

“I have witnessed nearly three decades of Michel Dubois’ journey on an implacable logical path wherefrom I anticipated that he would emerge on what now appears to be a peaceful and necessary revolution: a democratized access to Intellectual Property.

The creation of the World Inventors Club by its President, Mrs. Louise Grenier, crowns the achievement of this intelligent pioneer who, along with his team, now empower even the humblest inventors and innovating SMEs to successfully deploy their projects toward improving the well-being of mankind.

I have successfully tested copyright, as it is applied by using the Intellectual Passport CB omnibus volume, with my own inventions and original service concepts. Therefore, it is earnestly and enthusiastically that I wish the very best of success to this incredible and magnificent initiative.”

Louise Grenier - Co-Founder and Treasurer

A University of Montreal Graduate in Pedagogy, communication and animation techniques, Louise Grenier has held positions as international instructor for Canadian and French companies in the private sector. At the end of 2001, she became involved with the USD System International Editions Consortium, collaborating with the Founder of the Intellectual Passport C.B., Mr. Michel Dubois. It is under the aegis of the Consortium that she founded the non-profit association in the United States during 2004 called, USD Club International.

At the end of 2016, during the internal reorganization of the Consortium leading to its dissolution, Louise Grenier founded the World Inventors Club in Canada that she presides under the same name, USD Club International. Imbued with the Ethics Committee aim that Mr. Pierre Salinger, its founder, had instituted on September 16, 1998, Mr. Salvatore di Palma (former president of the World Intellectual Property Organization (W.I.P.O.) international filings in Geneva) is now carrying the beacon within the Consortium.


Pierre Salinger

Founder of the USD System Editions Ethics Committee

Pierre Salinger - Founder of the USD System Editions Ethics Committee

Spokesperson to J.F. Kennedy at the White House, Pierre Salinger inaugurated the Ethics Committee of our Consortium on April 15, 1999, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  He assumed its presidency until his passing, on October 16, 2004.


It is following his momentous legacy that his successors must carry the torch toward what he considered a real mission.  


Salvatore Di Palma

President of our Ethics Committee

Salvatore Di Palma - Doctor of Political Science

A Doctor in Political Science, Salvatore Di Palma dedicated 35 years to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva as a high-ranking international official.

During that time, as the Director of International Filings and Head of the International Information Administration Section, he participated in numerous conferences around the world aimed at elaborating global treaties in regards to international branding, designs and models, as well as designations of origin.

Carrying the torch ignited by the late Pierre Salinger, he serves as interim President of the World Inventors Club Ethics Committee.

He is also the author of the book entitled, “The History of Marks from Antiquity to the Middle Ages”, originally in French and translated in English and Italian, and “The Emergence of Intellectual Property”.

"From the XVIth century, the emergence of Intellectual Property has been closely linked to the birth of mercantilist capitalism initially, followed by industrial capitalism, the foundation of the current Intellectual Property standards. These XIXth century standards have proven to be unsuited to the requirements of today’s new cognitive capitalism. Intellectual Property is at an impasse, highlighted by the General Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Francis Gurry, during a conference on “The challenges of Intellectual Property in the Financial World” held in 2010 at the Sciences Po de Paris Law School. An increasing number of financial and regulatory players suggest a modernization of Intellectual Property Law by proposing to replace the “one-fits-all” system applied uniformly across all the sectors of the economy by alternate systems to that of the traditional.

Advocate of this theory and a pioneer of an evolving principle leaning toward the creation of new protection systems pertaining to the procedure of filing patents for the past several decades, Michel Dubois is a fervent believer that Intellectual Property needs a lift to continue assuming its function, indeed, its modernization is a necessary fact that responds to a new financial environment. To that end, he created the Intellectual Passport CB Omnibus Volume, designed for inventors, SMEs and large corporations. This innovation “procures the only existing natural property to the author of an invention: ownership of a literary and/or artistic work, called Work of the Mind”. The international movement that he has been steering for a long time with his team has borne the “World Inventors Club” that hones its efforts on regrouping and gathering within its association any physical person or company interested in a planetary liberalization of the access to Intellectual Property.

* The complete text written by Mr. Di Palma can be perused in “Today’s Intellectual Property”.

The World Inventors Club's Founding Members of the Executive Committee are at the heart its operations.

They include:

  • Normand Moffatt - Investors Relation Director

  • Danielle Gagnon - Administrative Director 

  • François Belleau - Director of Legal Services

  • Michelle N. Pfeiffer - Global Executive Director

  • Louise Grenier - Co-Founder and Treasurer


Louise Grenier

Co-Founder and Treasurer


Ghislaine Alajouanine


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